Saturday, February 27, 2010
Green Lena
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fabric Bliss
I use almost all recycled and fabrics on my dolls as I feel they just don't make the stuff like the used to. The cottons were softer, the silk was silkier and the lace was more scumptous, the organza crisper and so on.
So when my sister Corky brought me this 1940's wedding dress from Michigan I nearly did a back flip in sheer delight. I cannot begin to describe the yards and yards of ivory silk fabric this dress is made from, the French net cotton lace or the crisp cotton toole. Oh my, I will be using these fabrics for years to come there is so much of it. Another bonus to vintage fabrics is they are all made from organic fibers so they all take dye wonderfully.
Oh and I must add that this dress is a wreck..stains, holes a bit of dry rot on some of the lace. I would never, ever cut up a vintage dress that is still y'all can exhale:)
So I must say a special thanks to my very dear sister Corky. Please check out her vintage shop on Etsy CorkSpork, she always has seriously yummy stuff!! Thanks again sis, love you!!
Alright off to dress this dolly with my new stash.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Funny how they change so. It's hard to believe that they will not look like aliens when they are done.
For Alice's images I had the perfect little rustic box I stuck her in. I love how it makes her appear to be the giant Alice.
Pretty sure I have a few more Alices and perhaps other Alice in Wonderland characters up my sleeve.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
OHOW Winner
I closed my eyes and waved my magic mouse and pointer up and down and all over all of the wonderful comments I recieved and it landed on the Darling Dani's post! Congratulations Dani! Be sure to check out her fabulous blog, she is an amazing textile artist, doll artist and seriously groovy person to boot!!
Thanks to everyone for stopping by, I so enjoyed all your comments!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Mardi Gras Mayhem

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Delta Dawn has Traveled to the Bayou
Cindy is a cloth dollmaker while I work in clay. When I recieved Cindy's doll I was thrilled at the sweet dainty, girly dolly I had just recieved. All sewn up perfectly even sporting nylon stockings....but headless!! Well, I just could not have this gal running around without a head for one more day, so my job became giving Dawn a head.
So I made my first attempt at attaching a clay head to a cloth body. I first sculpted the head using paperclay. Then I added clay to Dawn's muslin neck, once it was all dry I glued the head to the neck and added more clay to shape the neck. I then added apoxy sculpt for strength...and gosh dang if Dawn now has a head that I believe will never come off. I gave her some paint, hair and a scarf, the poor girl was freezing her tata's off walking around in her knickers.
This is my favorite part of this project. This is a technique I never would have attempted were I not forced to. So I learned something new:)
Dawn got herself a little vintage Ginny suitcase while in New Orleans. I need to work on her journal a bit and the girl will be off to her next destination, Tasmania Australia.
You can see the progress of all the dolls for this project over at the Traveling Doll Blog.