Thursday, March 8, 2012

Turn that Frown Upside Down

Why is it these silly little sayings we learned as children stick with us and through time?  I believe it's because they are simple truths, things to live by.

Baby Lacey wishes everyone could be happy, healthy and kind to one another.

Through a very bizarre and strange sequence of recent events  which are not important here,  I have been introduced to some amazing people through the ALS online community.  ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease is a disease in which muscle-controlling nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord (motor neurons) die, resulting in rapidly progressive paralysis and death usually within three to five years of the onset of symptoms. Most cases of ALS are of unknown etiology and appear as sporadic ALS. About 5 to 10 percent of ALS cases are familial.  This group of people work diligently to help those with ALS and to help find a cure.   I can't tell you how inspired I have become by reading these peoples stories, their struggles and their sheer depth of strength and will.

  Kenneth Alber who is suffering from ALS has a wife and children and though in advance stages of the disease is still able to live at home with his family.   He sounds like a real man's man loving rock and roll and camping and might I add, quite attractive:)  He is the creator of the Kiss my A.L.S  sticker, which I particularly love!!  As the disease progress's and more medical attention is required it becomes harder and more expensive for Kenneth to remain in his home and not have to go to a medical facility.

You may wonder at this point where I'm going...I'm getting there:)   Baby Lacey is a special dolly.  She is available in my shop and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Kenneth Alber Foundation
I encourage you to click that link if your interested in making a donation on your own to help keep Kenneth in his home with his family.

Listed are some  of the sites I have visited and as a result have been, first brought to tears and then motivated to do something or help in any small way I possibly can.   Please explore these sites and I hope you will find ways to do what you can for the people suffering from this dreadful and life sucking disease.

Again,  I urge you to visit these sites.  Big things can be accomplished in small ways.


Sharon I said...

This absolutely brought me to tears. I think a bit of my faith that there are still good people in this world was restored from a bad thing turning into something good!!! Thank you from myself & the entire ALS Facebook Community!!!!

Leslie said...

What a wonderful way to turn a bad experience into a positive one and support a great cause.

Lisa said...

Loopy (so sorry, I know your real name but you'll forever be Loopy =D

If you ever need....I dunno, a kidney, a character witness in court, or someone to front you a baja chalupa supreme...I'm your girl.

I'd send you my love but it might suffocate you, so just sending nice golf claps. I'm going back to my cry corner now. You suck...

XOXO - Everyone with a heart anywhere

Lisa said...

Loopy (so sorry, I know your real name but you'll forever be Loopy =D

If you ever need....I dunno, a kidney, a character witness in court, or someone to front you a baja chalupa supreme...I'm your girl.

I'd send you my love but it might suffocate you, so just sending nice golf claps. I'm going back to my cry corner now. You suck...

XOXO - Everyone with a heart anywhere ever

LoopyBoopy said...

Haha Lisa..I'll take that Chalupa:) Glad to say Baby Lacey sold, I'll be sending the funds Kenneths way tommorrow.

cattus said...

((Loopy)) Growing flowers from a turd.