Saturday, March 3, 2012

A New Look and A New Website

So does it look and feel a bit more roomy in here?  Things laid out and looking fine?  Oh you noticed.  Well that is all due to my very dear friend and amazing web designer Phanie Marie.  

You may remember I told you about her work for me on business cards and post cards, well now the lovely lass has spruced up my online presence too and I could not be more than thrilled.    A word of advice, if you stink at graphics or web design....hire someone to do it and I would of course recommend none other than Phanie.

And now...drum roll please,  I'm unveiling my new LoopyBoopy webpage.  Isn't it beautiful?  Thanks again to Miss Phanie.

I'm just so excited about my little spaces on the web at the moment.

One more plug for my dear friend.  Check out her darling little miniature shop MinetoMe.  Miniaturist just blow my mind and Phanies work is no different.  Teeny tiny is really hard when working in polymer clay and these little sculptures are just so adorable.  Be sure to check out the scenes in the teeny!   I really think you'll enjoy this as much as her design work!

Thanks again dear Phanie, for making loopyboopy look so good!!!


Anonymous said...

It looks FABULOUS! Very charming colors and layout to compliment your beautiful dolls.

BlacknickSculpture said...

I think it looks great! Best of luck with your new page!