Friday, August 19, 2011

New Dolls and My Fall Schedule

Josie hates returning to school after summer vacation. All her friends got bigger and shes not sure they remember her.

So excited and a bit nervous about my fall schedule.   Looking forward to making some Halloween dolls, who doesn't love the inspiration of the Hallowed Eve?  I also will be showing my work in the Saints and Souls show again at the Poets Gallery at the end of October.  Like their Fan Page on Facebook to get updates and images of the dolls for sale.  You can also purchase online if you find something you cannot live without.  There will be a gathering of amazing doll artists for the show, you won't want to miss this one, but more on that and some of the artists showing later.

I also, much to my dismay got my jury summons and schedule, every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of October I must report to the New Orleans courthouse to fulfill my civic duty.  Its kind of strange as I've always wanted to sit on a jury but it just could not have come at a worse time, but isn't that always the case. 

It'll all get done and fussing over it will not make it go away or any better, so I will take one day at a time.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Josie and Lilith a couple of new dollies available in my shop.

Lilith haunts tea parties. She met her demise eating crumpets and drinking tainted tea at her friend Gwendolyns summer tea party. She enjoys spending time with the little girls in their pretty party dresses but would like it if they knew she was there so she could show them her good manners and her excellent croquet abilities.


Cindi Myers said...

Amazing as always!
and I just LOVE their stories!
:D - Cindi

Papillon Bleu said...

I just wouldn't know which one to choose!
They are making my heart melt!!!!

Kitty D said...

Oh, Josie, your friends can never forget are simply wonderful!

JDConwell said...

Good luck with your show, and with the jury duty! And you're wise: it WILL all get done, so just enjoy getting to hang out with your lovely dolls. :~)

CatwampusStudio said...

What a beautiful collection for fall. And I'm loving the wardrobe, too! -cattuslavandula/tippau/whomeverthe hell

LoopyBoopy said...

thanks so much ladies!!

LoopyBoopy said...
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