Friday, August 19, 2011

New Dolls and My Fall Schedule

Josie hates returning to school after summer vacation. All her friends got bigger and shes not sure they remember her.

So excited and a bit nervous about my fall schedule.   Looking forward to making some Halloween dolls, who doesn't love the inspiration of the Hallowed Eve?  I also will be showing my work in the Saints and Souls show again at the Poets Gallery at the end of October.  Like their Fan Page on Facebook to get updates and images of the dolls for sale.  You can also purchase online if you find something you cannot live without.  There will be a gathering of amazing doll artists for the show, you won't want to miss this one, but more on that and some of the artists showing later.

I also, much to my dismay got my jury summons and schedule, every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of October I must report to the New Orleans courthouse to fulfill my civic duty.  Its kind of strange as I've always wanted to sit on a jury but it just could not have come at a worse time, but isn't that always the case. 

It'll all get done and fussing over it will not make it go away or any better, so I will take one day at a time.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Josie and Lilith a couple of new dollies available in my shop.

Lilith haunts tea parties. She met her demise eating crumpets and drinking tainted tea at her friend Gwendolyns summer tea party. She enjoys spending time with the little girls in their pretty party dresses but would like it if they knew she was there so she could show them her good manners and her excellent croquet abilities.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back at It

I love my summer vacations, seeing family and freinds and getting out of the New Orleans heat for a bit.  As  well I'm always eager to get home after about a week.  I start to get a little cranky when I'm away from my own bed and my dolly making stuff.

As usual I have come home with copious amounts of supplies that my family has gathered for me throughout the year.  I don't know where they find this stuff but my mother and sister are my favorite suppliers.  I came home with the most incredible and luxurious vintage laces and fabrics I could not wait to get my hands into and start creating.  

Giselle is my first Halloween doll of the season.  Her dress is made from a vintage netting that is by far my favorite type fabric and thanks to mom I have gobs of it!

So glad to see summer winding down.  Eager for a bit of cool weather and my fall routine of dolly making!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Loopy August Sale

As usual my summer postings are slim here on the loopy blog.  I've been busy with the little squid, we've been vacationing and having some summer fun.

Once a year, I like to offer some pieces at a tad bit lower prices for my customers and it is that time of year!   Click the link above to go to my shop and see the dollys that are waiting for new homes at a slightly lower than usual price.

I am currently on vacation in my birth state of Michigan.  Visiting family and enjoying the slightly, and I do mean slightly cooler weather.   My Michigan trips are also my shopping trips.  I have been scouring estate sales, garage sales for the perfect antique fabrics and trims for my dollys.  Something about rural Michigan, the vintage textiles are in abundance!!   As well my mother and my sister, both antique dealers save up their findings for me all year.   I cannot tell you how excited about the materials I have found.   I cannot wait to get home and get to work.   New/old materials are so inspiring!

I'm looking forward to fall and getting back to my doll making schedule.
I hope ya'll are having a wonderful summer!