As the summer months near and people are looking forward to getting outside, down here in the bayou I am preparing to hole up for the next three months in my cool, air conditioned home. Perhaps its the combination of the stifling heat and effects of mid-life that makes it nearly unbearable to step outside. It seems to get worse each year, to the point some days I believe I just may die from sweating too much. I try to take it in stride, as I know many up north have been holed up for months themselves, hunkering down in the winter snow. With the good comes the bad in most everything I suppose.
I do look forward to spending time with NoraLeigh. She plans to learn how to cook this summer. She has really taking a liking to the culinary arts, which I also that should be fun and yummy. My sister has just moved to a kind of commune in Mississippi, near by. She has a lovely pond, peace and serenity on a secluded 20 acre plot. Obviously we plan to spend a lot of time out there.
With summer vacations and the busy-ness of being mommy dolly creations, as usual slows down. I'll be creating and sharing whenever I can find the time, but no doubt it will not be as often as usual.
So with that, I'd like to share some new pieces I've been working on.
Daphne and Deliah