Welcome to my first blog giveaway!!!
This is the Boo Boo Boopy Blog Give Away and Laura is the prize. If you've followed my work you know that I've been learning gobs of new doll making techniques and Laura was one of the first that I made with posebale arms and legs. Alas when positioning her one day I broke her upper arm (not pictured). So if you are the lucky winner of this giveaway, Laura will have a boo boo band aid of some sort (which is not pictured:)
Here's how it's going to work. I am doing this to promote my beloved friends and members of ADO (Art Dolls Only) who are also welcome to participate. Click this link http://www.squidoo.com/ArtDollsOnly , find a doll artists shop that interests you and come back to my blog with a comment on that persons work. The comments need to be two words describing that persons dolls. As an example you might describe my work as polymer, creepy or sculpted, strange...get it??? So your comment would read LoopyBoopy - polymer creepy. I know all of the members work....so no cheating!!!
One week from today I will put the number of all the comments in a hat and have my daughter pull the lucky winners number out of a hat. I will contact that person and we will go from there.
My main purpose, other than finding this poor injured gal a new home, is to promote the amazing doll artists I have come to know and love! Good luck and happy doll hunting!!!