Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Saints

I've been working my hiney off for this show (well not literally though I wish:)

It's been a strange process as I was originally looking forward to the theme Carnival of Saints and Souls, encouraged by the opputunity to do something a little different. As time went on and no light bulbs of inspiration were going off I started getting nervous. I can't deny that I was also feeling anxious about the degree of talent I will be showing with and felt I needed to come up with some of my best work.

I researched Saints and found it a very interested topic but still nothing came to me so with the clock winding down and the deadline looming I just decided to start sculpting and see what happened. What came out is what I do best, desperate souls. I found myself identifying with the people that needed these Saints more than the Saints themselves so I created some needy ones as well.

I did try some new techniques and am happy with my collection so far. Here are just a few pieces. These pieces will be available in my Etsy shop if not sold at the show.


Bronzed Humanity said...

Love your work...everyone has such good expression and feeling, you are very talented! Love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

The hand over the little one's head...a benediction?

StayKnat2Loc said...

iThis is crazy!!!(abstract crazy that is) I think your look on have really captured that. Hard work really pays off, thanks for sharing

Elise said...

I really love these, I love all of your work! I very happily stumbled upon your blog last week and thoroughly enjoy it :) Thank you for sharing your work with us.

Anthropomorphica said...

Your new fellows are looking wonderful!

Unknown said...

they are wonderful, look forward to seeing photos from the show!

nacherluver said...

Wow. I just found your etsy page and therefore your blog for the first time. I am absolutely intrigued. Never seen anything like your work. You are extremely talented! Love your dolls.

Francine said...

Your work is amazing. I would love to start a collection..

mike fox said...

wow, visually fun stuff here! great blog

Anonymous said...

Excellent Blog! I really admire your thinking and the way you have put these information in this post. Thanks for sharing an informative post.
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Patti said...

Lovely...but do they ever smile?

o said...

I love your work. They are all so filled with emotions and captures the heart.

Gabriele Agustini said...

What a talent! Be proud!!
And congratulations on being a Blog Of Note!!
Not a small feat!

LoopyBoopy said...

Nope, the rarely smile:)

Thanks everyone for your kind comments!