About two years ago I quit my day job. That sounds funny to me because I haven't actually had a job where I had to leave the house in almost 10 years. I did sell
junque on
Ebay for years and two years ago I quit the junk and started selling art.
Though rewarding to sell my art for a living, it is also very distracting. Long hours of working on a piece for the pure joy of doing it are gone. Now I have to consider price points, buyer interest, whats marketable....yuck.

Thank goodness for my Stump Kids. I love to make them and they are in the right price range for most of my customers. The kids are my bread and butter right now (personally I prefer that bread toasted, but
ya'll know what I mean)

true desire as an artist is to delve into the new
doll making techniques I have been learning. Hence the bust, whoever came up with the idea of a bust, I want to kiss you. Busts are all the fun parts of a human figure wrapped up in a cute little package. Making these bust have satisfied that desire and because they dont' take all the time of legs and full body clothing they stay in a price range that most buyers can afford. I love the bust!!
So currently I feel pretty torn between creating art and selling art. I guess it's not such a bad dilemma when I consider I could be working the 9-5 and not be doing any art. YIKES