Holy Crap!!! Ted arrived from MealyMonsterland. I couldn't wait for him to get here but I think he was even more excited and relieved than I. When I opened the package he looked quite disgruntled to have spent a couple of days in that box. He eyed his surroundings and I was so excited to introduce him to the girls, I'd informed them of his arrival you see. Well the little son of a gun walked right past the gals and took a serious liking to Orville from dancesippydance. I think it was his open arms and loving face that Ted was drawn too. Oh he glances at the gals from time to time but it's obvious Orville is his favorite, the girls are a bit put of to say the least.

I am absolutely in love with Ted. If your a fan of MealyMonsters work, you must get yourself a little monster or kid, Fabulous character and style and wonderful detail!!!! Thanks Nicole for having such a wicked imagination!!